8 WhatsApp Abandoned Cart Recovery Message Templates to Boost Your Marketing Campaigns

Revive sales with WhatsApp cart recovery templates. Rescue abandoned carts, boost revenue!

Whatsapp abandoned cart recovery message templates

Are you struggling with high cart abandonment rates on your Indian D2C ecommerce store? 

You're not alone. .Studies have shown that 69% of shoppers abandon their carts across all industries. Implementing Ecommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery strategies can help you address this issue and boost your revenue. 

‍This means that a significant number of potential customers leave your D2C store without completing their purchase, resulting in lost revenue and missed opportunities! 

reduce cart abandonment rate with whatsapp

This article will explore 8 WhatsApp Abandoned Cart Recovery Message Templates to Boost Your Marketing Campaigns.

These templates will help you send personalised and automated messages to your customers, reminding them about their abandoned carts and incentivising them to follow through with their purchases, as seen in effective WhatsApp Marketing Campaign Examples.

8 Best Message Templates For Abandoned Cart Recovery

Understanding Abandoned Carts and the Need for Recovery

Before we present you with a list of tried and tested WhatsApp abandoned cart recovery message templates, let's first understand what abandoned carts are and why they matter for D2C businesses. 

When a shopper adds products to their cart but fails to complete the purchase (intentionally or unintentionally), it is considered an abandoned cart. There are various reasons why shoppers abandon their carts, like: 

  • Window shopping
  • Price comparison 
  • Complicated checkout 
  • Unavailability of desired payment gateway 
  • Absence of guest checkout option

And the list goes on! 

However, shopping cart abandonment is a significant challenge for D2C ecommerce stores, leading to lost revenue and missed opportunities. 

However, with the right strategies, businesses can recover these abandoned carts and turn potential customers into loyal buyers.

Why Send Abandoned Cart SMS?

WhatsApp is not just a messaging app; it has evolved into a powerful marketing tool with over 2 billion active users worldwide,making it an essential platform for Lead Generation via WhatsApp Business. Sending abandoned cart WhatsApp messages via campaigns can boost conversion rates and reduce customer acquisition costs.

Here’s why WhatsApp can help you recover abandoned carts: 

Personalised and Automated Communication

WhatsApp Business allows D2C brands to send personalised, 1-on-1 messages to their customers, creating a direct line of communication. With the help of tailored message templates, businesses can automate the process of sending recovery messages, saving time and effort. These templates serve as a starting point, providing a structure for crafting compelling messages that resonate with customers.

Let’s take the example of the Male clothing brand Snitch. This brand was facing losses in various stages of its customer lifecycle. However, using a WhatsApp Suite helped Snitch to automate its abandoned cart recovery process and reduce losses. By leveraging WhatsApp to its fullest, Snitch saved over ₹9,50,00,000 in FY21 alone

pragma with emami reduce losses

Increased Engagement and Trust

WhatsApp is a platform where users converse with people they trust. Businesses can tap into this trust by utilising WhatsApp for abandoned cart recovery and establishing a more personal connection with their customers. 

Sending well-crafted recovery messages through WhatsApp shows that the brand is invested in the customer's shopping journey, increasing trust and engagement.

See how Glamrs strategically sends abandoned cart recovery messages through WhatsApp to create urgency 👇

cart recovery message
Glamrs Cart recovery message

Convenient and Preferred Communication Channel

Customers prefer communication channels that are convenient and familiar to them. With the widespread use of WhatsApp, customers are more likely to engage with recovery messages sent through this platform. WhatsApp eliminates the need for customers to check their emails or navigate to a separate website, making the recovery process seamless and user-friendly. 

8 best abandoned cart recovery message templates

Now that you understand the power of WhatsApp for abandoned cart recovery, let's explore some of the abandoned cart WhatsApp message template that can help businesses recover abandoned carts and boost conversions: 

1. The Reminder Template 

The Reminder Template is a straightforward message that reminds customers about the items they left in their cart. It creates a sense of urgency by emphasising the limited availability of the products or offering a special discount for a limited time. 

Including a direct link to the customer's cart makes it easy for them to return to their abandoned cart and complete their purchase.

Hi [Customer's Name],

We noticed that you left some items in your cart. Don't miss out on these amazing products! Complete your purchase now and enjoy [offer or discount]. Click here to go back to your cart: [Cart URL].

Happy shopping!

[Your Store Name]

2. The Personalised Recommendation Template

The Personalised Recommendation Template takes a more tailored approach by recommending similar products based on the customer's browsing history

You can pique their interest by suggesting related items and entice them to explore more options. This template shows that you understand their preferences and are committed to helping them find the perfect product.

Hi [Customer's Name],

We noticed that you were interested in [Product Name]. We thought you might also like these similar products:

- [Product 1]

- [Product 2]

- [Product 3]

Take a look and complete your purchase. We're sure you'll love them!

[Your Store Name]

3. The Limited-Time Discount Template

The Limited-Time Discount Template creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity by offering a time-sensitive discount. By setting a deadline for the discount, you encourage customers to act quickly and complete their purchase. 

This template is particularly effective for price-sensitive customers motivated by discounts.

Hi [Customer's Name],

We have a special offer just for you! Complete your purchase within the next [time frame] and enjoy a [discount percentage] discount on your entire order. Don't wait, this offer won't last long!

Click here to return to your cart: [Cart URL].

Happy shopping!

[Your Store Name]

4. The Free Shipping Template

The Free Shipping Template appeals to customers who are hesitant to complete their purchase due to additional shipping costs. By offering free shipping for a limited time, you remove this barrier and incentivise them to finalise their order. 

This template emphasises the value they will receive by taking advantage of the free shipping offer.

Hi [Customer's Name],

Good news! We're offering free shipping on all orders for a limited time. Complete your purchase now and enjoy this exclusive offer. Don't miss out!

Click here to go back to your cart: [Cart URL].

Happy shopping!

[Your Store Name]

5. The Social Proof Template

The Social Proof Template leverages the power of customer testimonials to build trust and credibility. By showcasing positive reviews from satisfied customers, you provide social proof encouraging potential customers to follow suit. This template highlights the benefits and positive experiences associated with the product, making it more enticing for customers to complete their purchases.

Hi [Customer's Name],

Did you know that [Product Name] has been a customer favourite? Here's what our happy customers have to say:

- "I love [Product Name]! It's the best purchase I've made in a long time."

- "The quality of [Product Name] exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend it."

- "I can't imagine my life without [Product Name] anymore. It's a game-changer."

Complete your purchase now and join the satisfied customers who have experienced the benefits of [Product Name].

Happy shopping!

[Your Store Name]

6. The Exclusive Offer Template 

The Exclusive Offer Template makes customers feel special and appreciated by offering them an exclusive deal. You can even schedule these messages for an automated flow. This template creates a sense of loyalty and encourages customers to complete their purchases as a way of reciprocating the appreciation shown by the store. You strengthen the bond with your customers by positioning the offer as a thank-you gesture.

Hi [Customer's Name],

As a valued customer, we want to offer you an exclusive deal. Complete your purchase now and enjoy [offer or discount]. It's our way of saying thank you for choosing us!

Click here to go back to your cart: [Cart URL].

Happy shopping!

[Your Store Name]

7. The Abandoned Cart Follow-up Template

The Abandoned Cart Follow-up Template takes a customer-centric approach by offering assistance and support. This template shows that you care about their shopping experience and are ready to address any concerns they may have. 

By providing a direct link to customer support, you make it easy for them to reach out and get the help they need to complete their purchase.

Hi [Customer's Name],

We noticed that you recently abandoned your cart. We're here to help! If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. We're available 24/7 to ensure your shopping experience is smooth and enjoyable.

Click here to return to your cart: [Cart URL].

Happy shopping!

[Your Store Name]

8. The Feedback Request Template

The Feedback Request Template encourages customers to share their feedback and opinions about their recent purchases. By actively seeking feedback, you show that you value their input and are committed to continuous improvement. This template also provides a direct link for customers to easily share their feedback, making the process convenient and hassle-free.

Hi [Customer's Name],

We hope you're enjoying your recent purchase from [Your Store Name]. We would love to hear your feedback! Your opinion matters to us, and it helps us improve our products and services.

Click here to share your feedback: [Feedback URL].

Thank you for choosing [Your Store Name].

[Your Store Name] 

‍Abandoned Cart SMS Messages Examples

Wait, there more!

Not only WhatsApp, you can even use SMS messages to notify user about their abandoned cart. Let’s understand the abandoned cart SMS templates below:

  1. Reminder with Incentive:

"Hi there! It looks like you left something in your cart at [Your Brand]. Complete your purchase now and enjoy 10% off with code CART10. Happy shopping!"

  1. Urgency-based Message:

"Hey, [Name]! Your items are still waiting for you at [Your Brand]. Don't miss out - they're selling fast! Click here to complete your purchase now."

  1. Product Recommendation:

"Hi [Name], we noticed you left [Product Name] in your cart at [Your Brand]. Don't forget to check out our other popular items too! Click here to complete your purchase."

  1. Personalized Reminder:

"Hey [Name], we saved your items for you at [Your Brand], but they won't last forever! Complete your purchase now and enjoy free shipping on us. Click here to get started."

  1. Customer Support Offer:

"Hi there! Need any help with your recent cart at [Your Brand]? Our team is here to assist you. Reply to this message or call us at [Customer Support Number] for assistance."

  1. Limited Time Offer:

"Hello! Your items are still available at [Your Brand], but not for long! Complete your purchase within the next hour and enjoy an extra 15% off. Click here to shop now."

  1. Social Proof Message:

"Hey [Name], did you know that many shoppers love [Product Name] at [Your Brand]? Don't miss out on this must-have item! Complete your purchase now and join the trend."

  1. Benefits Reminder:

"Hi [Name], just a friendly reminder that your items are still in your cart at [Your Brand]. Complete your purchase now and enjoy free returns and exchanges. Click here to finalize your order."

  1. Exclusive Access Message:

"Hey there! As a valued customer, we saved your items for you at [Your Brand]. Complete your purchase now for exclusive access to upcoming sales and promotions."

  1. Last Chance Reminder:

"Hi [Name], your items are still waiting for you at [Your Brand]. This is your last chance to complete your purchase before they're gone! Click here to secure your order."

Automate your WhatsApp Cart Recovery Messages with Pragma

Ever wondered why your customers are leaving your store without completing their purchases? 

Well, there may be multiple reasons behind their actions. However, one of the common reasons behind abandoned carts is the complicated and time-consuming checkout process. 

Hence, if you are struggling with abandoned carts, you must try out 1Checkout to build a superfast checkout process and reduce your abandoned cart recovery rate! 

Here’s how it can help: 

✅Finish checkout within seconds by automatically populating address and contact details 


✅Increase the number of payment options at 50% less charge, so your customers can pick their desired payment modes 

✅Bonus: Offers up-sell and cross-sell recommendations to retain the customer 

abandoned cart whatsapp message template

Final Thoughts

WhatsApp abandoned cart recovery message templates are powerful tools for Indian D2C ecommerce stores to recover lost sales and engage with their customers. By sending personalised and automated messages, you can remind customers about their abandoned carts, offer incentives, and address any concerns they may have. 

These templates provide a variety of approaches, from reminders and recommendations to exclusive offers and social proof, ensuring that you have the right message for every customer.

Implementing these WhatsApp abandoned cart recovery message templates can significantly reduce your abandonment rates and increase conversions, ultimately driving growth for your Indian D2C ecommerce store. 

Don't let those abandoned carts go to waste - leverage the power of WhatsApp and start recovering lost sales today!

Let's turn those abandoned carts into successful purchases together! 


How can these WhatsApp Abandoned Cart Recovery Message Templates boost my marketing campaigns?

These templates can boost your marketing campaigns by providing personalised and timely reminders to customers who have abandoned their carts. They allow you to send automated messages tailored to each customer's specific cart items, enticing them to complete their purchase. By leveraging these templates, you can re-engage with potential customers, increase conversion rates, and recover lost sales.

Can I customise these Abandoned Cart Recovery Message Templates?

You can customise the templates to align with your brand's voice and style. These templates offer flexibility in terms of content and design. You can modify the messages to include your brand name, product details, discounts, or any other information that might incentivise customers to return and complete their purchase. Customising the templates ensures the messages feel more personal and relevant to each customer.

Can automate the sending of these WhatsApp Abandoned Cart Recovery Messages?

Yes! Automation is a crucial feature of these templates. With the help of a marketing automation tool or a WhatsApp Business API integration, you can set up triggers that automatically send these messages to customers who have abandoned their carts. This eliminates manual follow-ups and ensures the messages are sent at the right time, maximising their effectiveness. Automating the sending process saves time and effort while allowing you to reach a larger audience.

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